miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2016

About the great new web sites of the classroom

Now in this new great classroom of english, we can play a new game, because the teacher we show a great web pages, this web pages are videogames or I can say that are videogames because are very funny, I can say and I believe in this, that the knowledge is suffering, we can know and study because ours bodys and mind can suffer, it's a terrible and existencialist idea of knowledge, but always I can accept that idea of fun and knowledge, but this idea is always like a begin of knowledge, so I can play educative videogames, but the final objetive is the suffering of the knowledge.

Another thing that I take of this games is that is responsible of what I can approach to the other cultures and languajes, I can say that the creators of this game has been most lucky in your project, in Chile is very difficult that one project can know the light of success. Well I know and play one videogame and I can say that is very funny know that I know something with the game, and the relations and connections in the pronunciations, also I can play others languajes, for exaple Korean, Japanese or Chinese, oh my god, there are most difficult, very most difficult that english, I don't know how it is possible, that one brain can know this languajes, I read something very interesting in a científic paper about epigenetic and the japanese brain, is very interesting that the languaje can change the brain. 

So, you should remember that knowledge is suffering!!

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